The advantages of providing remote interpretation services

(Last Updated On: September 25, 2017)Remote interpretation came into existence due to the advancement in technology which makes working in the interpreting field more effective and efficient. Remote interpretation is the process whereby simultaneous interpretations are performed away from the meeting room and multilingual conferences as opposed to the face to face interpretation. Remote interpreting is a recent innovation that keeps getting more common and more popular, and interpretation over the phone is the most commonly used. As by the looks of it remote interpretation is the future of interpreting, it makes it very important to know its advantages.

Why remote interpretation?

Time efficient

Remote interpretation increases the productivity of interpreters by not having to go through the stress of traveling to the location of the meeting. This gives the interpreter more time to prepare for the meeting.

Cost effective

The initial cost of setting up remote interpreting may be expensive for an agency, but it is more cost effective in the long run. It reduces the costs of having an interpreter on site because the interpreter will have to travel to the location of the meeting leading to avoidable cost. Organizations save more money by making use of remote interpreting. Interpreters also save a lot of time and money by providing interpretation by the phone.

It allows information to be passed across to different locations simultaneously

Remote interpretation creates a perfect environment whereby information can be disseminated across different geographical zones from a single place without leaving your present location. Through phone interpretation information from one source can be quickly conveyed into another language and sent to the right audience in real time. As a remote interpreter you can get more clients this way, as the clients won't have to search for an interpreter close to their location but from all over the world. Thus, more jobs for you.

It provides instant availability of service

One of the things that make remote interpreting services the next best thing is its 24/7 availability of service. While it can be difficult to organize an appointment for a face to face interpretation due to the languages or location, it is easy and quick to get phone interpretation as there are multiple interpreters doing the same language combination which are spread all over the world: if one of the interpreters is not available, another one would be for sure. This is yet another advantage for interpreters as they can declare their availability hours and the interpretation software will call them only if it is within their working hours.

As an interpreter you also have the option to change your availability hours at any time. For instance, if you won't be able to work one day for some reason, you can simply login into your account and edit your working hours for that day. It's that easy.

There are a lot more advantages for interpreters working remotely but the scope of the article was to point the main ones. Do you have more? let us know in the comments.

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