For interpreters only. How to market yourself and how to get more customers.

(Last Updated On: November 23, 2012)

How to market yourself

 Marketing is a skill that takes persistence to sell yourself as a first class professional who is appealing to an employer or customer. You must not simply blend in with everyone else in your thinking or approach for it will not set you apart from the rest. You must explore all of your options and display as much ingenuity as possible if you truly want to be recognized as an expert in your field. Here is how you can make marketing work for you:
  1. Create a resume that lists your core competencies and not just job duties and functions. The bottom line is that your resume should reflect your skills and how well you work with others in addition to proving that you can produce quantifiable results (profit, cost reduction or a process improvement).
  2. Use the power of networking by attending networking events with your business card and portfolio. Networking is going to be your spokesperson when used effectively, for others will recommend you based on quality experiences with your products or services.
  3. Join internet social networking websites, like LinkedIn, Facebook, and College Alumni--all of which are valuable resources to share your resume and stay in contact with other professionals. LinkedIn also provides a recommendation section which you can use to send email requests to current or past employers who can provide insight into your job performance.
  4. Never stop taking training and career development courses. You want to make sure you are current in understanding the new technology and ongoing research in your area of expertise. Overall, this is a way to insure you are a brand that does not become obsolete.
  5. You must be driven and determined to succeed. When it comes to marketing yourself, you must be in the mindset of continuous improvement and ongoing repeating of steps 1 to 4.

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