Medical telephone interpreting, what should I know?

(Last Updated On: March 21, 2019)


Medical telephone interpreting what you should know? in this post we tell you everything. Telephone interpretation is applicable in the medical environment more than one can imagine. It seems like medical representatives have discovered a number of beneficial elements in this interpreting service solution. But, why? What are the reasons why the medical representatives are high consumers of this approach? In fact, there are a number of reasons behind that.


First of all, similarly to other communication purposes, even in the medical representatives’ case, the telephone interpreting is considered highly efficient in terms of timing and budget. Less engagement is required with the telephone interpretation in comparison with the in – person one. There might be cases when the patient does not allow the doctors and the in – person interpreter complete their task (mostly in the case of mental health issues), but you will still have to pay the in – person interpreter. This is not happening with the telephone interpreter.




Secondly, medical telephone interpreting representatives are frequently faced with urgent situations that do not allow enough time for an in – person visit and in – person interpretation, thus, they need to promptly act. Medical to medical consultation is considered one of the best practices of medical intervening. Telephone interpretation is a great facilitator in case of bilingual or multiple lingual doctors’ communication.

Thirdly, through video interpreting doctors can further enrich their communication approach. They can show images, documentation, examinations related to the patient, or the patient him/herself without the necessity to dislocate to the target language country.

Scheduling consultations between the patient and his/ her health provider becomes easier as well. Through the telephone interpreter proper communication is ensured without the necessity to apply a tough schedule that most probably cannot be followed to the paper because of the patient symptoms or disease.

The above mentioned reasons have highly impacted the frequency with which the medical representatives are using the telephone interpretation services.


The medical solution to the phone

 Apart from that, using the technological advancement to the advantage of such a crucial cause will soon be inevitable for everyone. The telephone interpreting service's best advantage is that it is quick. An element that can truly assist in immediate diagnosis, treatment and cure. Besides, as technology is engulfing every aspect of life, medical procedures must benefit from medical interpreting services. They can provide this as a value added service to their patients. Patients can avoid travelling and anticipation by choosing telephone interpreting service over conventional methods.




In spite of waiting for days and months to get an appointment at a distant health care facility, medical telephone interpreting can solve health issues remotely without any delays.

Back in the past, when doctors needed to communicate with a specialist in a different country, they had to wait for days. The process would include sending reports and prescriptions using translation services, later the translated medical documents would be sent via mail and after receiving those documents, the specialists would give a verdict and the final assessment was also sent back through mail. And upon receiving, it would again go to the translator for translation and then the doctor could see the response.

Thanks to medical telephone interpreting service, all this has now been summarized into one communication tool, the telephone interpreting service.

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